Saturday, 23 March 2013

Indian Girls In Dress

Indian Girls In Dress Biography

Welcome back to Dressing for Your Body, Which Happens to be Awesome (known in some circles as DFYBWHTBA — we’re working on a better acronym). You’ve learned how to dress your long legs, your boobs of any size, and your fantastic butt. You’ve laughed, you’ve cried, you’ve listened to India.Arie’s Video on repeat, and now you embrace your body type with all your heart, right?

Well, maybe not yet. But even if not, I am here to help, showing you ways to dress your bangin’ bod (and trust me, it is bangin’) while loving your body, not trying to trick people into thinking it’s different.

That said, this week we are going to talk a little bit about optical illusions. Dressing for your shape is mostly about managing your proportions — showing people where to visually divide your body. It turns out, though, that people associate certain proportions with children and certain proportions with adults. Assuming we’re all trying to look adult-aged here (isn’t that pretty much what college is anyway? A bunch of kids pretending to be adults?), there are certain styles to avoid as a shorter girl. Essentially, high-waisted jeans are your friend, and long flowy tees are probably not (and between you and me, they seem to be on their way out for exactly this reason. You could be six feet tall wearing one of these shirts and still look like a kid in her pajamas).
On the other hand, you also have the option to throw the proportion nonsense out the window and turn everything I just said on its head. More on that later.
Being short and small has its perks. If you want your boyfriend to be taller than you, you don’t have to search long for somebody you can wear heels around. And on that note, you can wear heels without towering over everybody. I have a friend who is very petite (probably 5’1″), and she just wears intensely high heels around campus every day. I have no idea how she does it, and it’s probably uncomfortable, so I’m not endorsing that specifically, but you have that option! You can probably also fit into small spaces, and that’s probably useful sometimes (especially if you join a hide and seek league
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 
Indian Girls In Dress 

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