Sunday, 24 March 2013

Pretty Dresses For Girls

Pretty Dresses For Girls Biography

Let’s take a look at the definition on my favorite site Beauty is defined the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.),a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest); a beautiful person, especially a woman.

Whoa! Those are pretty clear and definitely intense description of what is defined as beauty. Beauty even goes so far as to say, especially a woman! Yes! Thank you for confirmation of our beauty!

Here is the beautiful truth…as women, we have been blinded by not seeing the true beauty that lies within each one of us. Beauty that lies in the strength of being the woman who God designed you to be! Not striving to be the woman who the world wants you to be! We should strive daily to be women full of grace, femininity, and love for others. It isn’t about the physical beauty, in so much as the beauty within each one of YOU!

The world has given us a ton of examples of who they think we should be as women, but I want to challenge you, to look at some amazing Biblical examples of women who were truly beautiful inside and out….oh, and they had their flaws to, because none of us gals are perfect. There are many women in the Bible who display inner beauty…true beauty. Those should be our examples. Look to Eve, Esther, Jael, Mary, Deborah, Ruth, and many more to see the pretty truth of who you were designed to be!

As we strive to embrace the movement of Pretty Girls Rock Dresses, and are picking out our favorite dresses each day, let’s be reminded of checking our beauty at the core of who we are. Strive each day to be filled with His presence, being the most beautiful woman that we can be…inside and out
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls
Pretty Dresses For Girls

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